Thursday, 16 February 2012

Nocturnal Leg Cramp Attack

I always thought waking up because of nightmare is quite common albeit I have never encountered one. Surprisingly, I had a rude awakening yesterday night, jumping up in pain. The leg pain of calf muscle contracting non-stop for a minute was so intense as if it was going to break.

I didn't know what to do actually but frantically stretch my affected leg to every possible positions. It got relieved when I stood straight and still. WTF!

The rest of the day, I feel super exhausted with a sickness feeling when I got fever. My brain is so itchy that it keeps like shutting down. I could had just slammed my head down to the desk right in front of my customer. Perhaps the leg cramp resulted in internal injury leading to some sort of bacterial/viral infection. The sickness feeling has been subsiding slightly now.

Could it be because of mineral overdose like potassium? I should not have taken too much of chicken chop for the past two days.

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