Thursday, 24 May 2012

McDonald's Hello Kitty Grimace Meets Hamburglar (Singapore)

McDonald's Hello Kitty Hamburglar meets Hello Kitty Grimace at last. McDonald's offers Hello Kitty plushies in four unique costumes crossover as per McDonaldland characters. With every purchase of an extra Value Meal, you can get one Hello Kitty at only S$3.90. You may also grab your favorite Hello Kitty at S$9.00 without any meal purchase. Each of them will be promoted for a week back to back in sequence from 17 May till 13 June:

1. Hamburglar  17 May - 23 May
2. Grimace        24 May - 30 May
3. Birdie            31 May - 06 Jun
4. Ronald           07 Jun - 13 Jun 

Tada, here comes the lovely Hello Kitty Grimace crossover! I got her this morning. 

#1 Hamburglar found Grimace

#2 Grimace set free. She is 17cm tall and weighs 48g.

#3 Grimace taking off her hood with Hamburglar    

#4  Grimace & Hamburglar are ready to strike hamburger terror in the city

#5 Grimace & Hamburglar decide to wait for another day

#6 Perfect Grimace

#7 Grimace got her wings

#8 Grimace in her sleeping bag


  1. hi, do you know how to get the hamburglar ? i wants it but its out of stock, pls help (:

  2. You may try your luck at Queensway.


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