Monday 21 November 2011

Dream Comes True (美梦成真)

As usual when our fast food outlet closed shop at 10pm sharp, we would start to perform the daily cleaning. The cashier didn't have to do any cleaning as they would be busy calculating the money collected in their respective cash register machines. As back up staff who took order from the cashier and prepared most of the meal, we had the most utensils, plates and trays to clean up.

Normally the leftover food on the trays was kept at minimal quantity. An hour before 10pm, the cook would only prepare the fried chicken based on direct order. I would only serve two to three packets of fries and wedges on the trays. Due to company policy, any leftover food must be disposed of and staff was not allowed to consume it. Of course I would grab some of the nudgets/fries to fill in my hungry stomach before packing all the leftover into a rubbish bag for disposal.

The hardest part of cleaning was the fried chicken trays. The crispy flour stuck stubbornly on the trays that it could only be removed with hard-brushing over hot water. To make cleaning easier, I soaked all the trays into the hot water for several minutes before doing the brushing to get rid all the sticky crispy flour. The final part of cleaning was the floor when everyone would get drenched to the skin. The whole cleaning work took about an hour before we called it a day.

Usually I reached home around 11.30pm when everyone was already sleeping. After shower, I would watch some music videos especially Valen Hsu's Dream Comes True (美梦成真) for an hour or more before I could sleep. Although this routine happened 12 years, I would always miss the memory of sweet and sour whenever I listen to Valen Hsu's Dream Comes True (美梦成真).

Valen Hsu's Dream Comes True (美梦成真)

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